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  1. Alliance SoMI

    Alliance 2.0 Playtest Weekend (Sept 14-16)

    Absolutely. You can play any version of your Character you want for the Playtest. You can even play a version of your Character that you'll never play again.
  2. Alliance SoMI

    2.0 Character Building Help

    With the upcoming 2.0 Playtest event and Player's ability to experiment with their Character's builds, we wanted to create a space where people can ask questions, get advice, and become more comfortable with the rules going forward. Please feel free to use this space to discuss everything...
  3. Alliance SoMI

    Alliance 2.0 Playtest Weekend (Sept 14-16)

    In addition to the September Event being our Dragonfall festival, we’re going to be running our Playtest weekend for the 2.0 Ruleset. The whole Event will be played using the 2.0 Ruleset. If you haven’t looked at it you can read through the rules here and check out the changes in bite-sized...
  4. Alliance SoMI

    Pre-Registration: August 24-26 Weekend Event

    Matt will be onsite and ready to begin logistics by 6:00 pm.
  5. Alliance SoMI

    Pre-Registration: August 24-26 Weekend Event

    Monster camp/Mod Building will be located in the "B" Group (Tamarack, Cedar, and White Pines). "A" Group (normally Monster camp and Mod Buildings), "C" Group (Pheasant and Grouse), and the Camp Store/Medical Building are available for sleeping. The Crafts Building (Healer's Guild) is also...
  6. Alliance SoMI

    Pole arm question

    For your reference, you can find a pdf of the current Rulebook at this link.
  7. Alliance SoMI

    Pre-Registration: August 24-26 Weekend Event

    Announcing Pre-Registration for our August 24-26 Weekend Event at MUCC Cedar Lake Camp The price for this event will be $65, and anyone who pre-registers will save $10 off the cost of the event! Pre-registration will also get you priority at Logistics. In order to help get you through...
  8. Alliance SoMI

    Lending a Hand

    Recently a pair of Alliance Players who play regularly in SoMI, Chicago, and Traverse City suffered a set back as their car burst into flames. We think it's important that the Alliance LARP is a strong community and in an effort to help out our Players Alliance Traverse City, Alliance Chicago...
  9. Alliance SoMI

    Getting by with a Little Help from Friends

    You all are amazing We hit our initial goal in just over a day and have extended the campaign to give anyone who wants to lend a hand the chance to contribute. Thank you all, we are humbled by your kindness.
  10. Alliance SoMI

    Getting by with a Little Help from Friends

    If you can spare a bit to help out some friends, Carrie (Pebbles) and Nate (Nyio) could use a little help right now. For those that haven't heard, Carrie's car burst into flames as she was driving down the freeway with baby Allison in the back. Thanks to Carrie's quick thinking, she and Allison...
  11. Alliance SoMI

    Pre-Registration: July 14th 1-day Event

    Just under 4 hours left to Preregister for this weekend!
  12. Alliance SoMI

    Opportunities to Help the Chapter (and get Goblin Stamps)

    If you check out the Donations post we've updated it to reflect somethings we'd like. We're going to make a bunch of weapons on Saturday but anything on that list is wanted.
  13. Alliance SoMI

    Opportunities to Help the Chapter (and get Goblin Stamps)

    Our Players are great about supporting our game and we want to give you another opportunity to help us out with one or both of these upcoming events. Demonstration Day We have been approached by a summer camp about running a demonstration of our game for their campers. We're looking for...
  14. Alliance SoMI

    Pre-Registration: July 14th 1-day Event

    Just a reminder that the deadlines for Pre-Registration are coming up fast. Magic Item, Scroll, and substantial Production requests (please include the total Goblin Stamp cost of your requests) will close as of 11:59pm on July 6th (Friday night). Preregistration for this event will close as of...
  15. Alliance SoMI

    LCO Rules Mid-Season Follow Up

    Now that we're about mid-season we wanted to revisit those LCO Rules we implemented at the start of the season and get feedback. We've put together a Google Form to accomplish this: Aura and Threshold Removal Feedback We know this has been a heated issue with lots of emotional investment, which...
  16. Alliance SoMI

    Best Roleplayer (June 8-10)

    You all had such great experiences with one another we can't pick just one. Just as we're excited about your interactions with our NPCs it is great to see peoples' PCs creating special moments.
  17. Alliance SoMI

    Best NPC Interaction (June 8-10)

    We're really happy to see such great role-play experiences. One of our goals to be more than just a combat game and seeing the wide variety of great interactions our Players enjoyed lets us know were working toward that goal.
  18. Alliance SoMI

    Best Costume/Costume Improvement (June 8-10)

    It looks like Katherine carries the day, but great work to Chris as well. If you haven't seen it, he's now the face of Alliance LARP Dark Elves.
  19. Alliance SoMI

    Best Cabin (June 8-10)

    Keep up the great work everyone, your efforts maintaining atmosphere at events are an important part of the roleplaying experience.