Search results

  1. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Workshops and Workplace of Convenience

    Is this "larger overhaul to the ritual system" going to be public, playtested, etc., or is it just going live come June 1st with 2.1?
  2. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Gavaria Setting: Atupal Development

    The Development of Atupal - “Cosmetic RP” Town Building Intent: The Gavaria campaign has the PCs operating out of the Island of Atupal, and although NPCs may frequently visit, the only primary residents currently living on Atupal are PCs and those they invite. Players are encouraged to develop...
  3. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Digging Deeper into Atupal

    Oi, Atupal folk: I’m Winny, foreman of the Allgood Excavators. Queen Pavia hired us to help facilitate further excavation and exploration underground on Atupal. But hold on, I know what you’re thinkin’: “Oh nooooo, it’s too dangerous! These grubby dwarves are gonna just go smashin’ down...
  4. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Establishing a Spirit Road Connection

    Settlers of Atupal, Word has reached me that your community has found itself in the possession of a large, unified piece of Moridium. Moridium’s magical potential primarily pertains to long-distance travel, and the chunk you possess sounds to be large and pure enough to be suitable material...
  5. Gandian Ravenscroft

    March 523 Rumors

    “Did you hear about that alchemist’s workshop that just… walked away?” - “There’s been a lot of storms along the Cinem coast lately. You don’t think this is caused by The Tempest, do you?” “Like, The Tempest as in the Court Wizard, or The Tempest as in that big storm once you go far enough...
  6. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Silver Raffle for the Benefit of Passwall!

    Silver coins taking up space in your pouch? The Passwall Regiment has a solution! Silver is a useful metal, not only for commerce, but also in the efforts against the undead onslaught plaguing our Duchy as well! Many undead, both lesser and greater, can be vulnerable to silver weapons when...
  7. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Guide to Gavaria: Overview of the Gavaria Campaign Setting

    Hello Alliance Chicago Players! The Gavaria Plot Team has completed the new Guide to Gavaria packet designed to give an overview of the campaign’s in-game setting! Give it a read! Learn about the world! The Guide to Gavaria is attached to this post in two versions: A Fancy Version with some...
  8. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Ritual Shopping list

    Sturdy Armor makes your suit of armor faster to refit by 5 seconds. I don't really know how making the armor sturdier makes it faster to refit (maybe the dragons or Guardians or whoever of the world that write the scrolls should have called it "Hasty Armor" or something), but nevertheless...
  9. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Ritual Shopping list

    I'm sure you already have one, and thus why it isn't on your list, but if you need a Sturdy Armor scroll to add to your enchanted armor, I have one! - Sarvey
  10. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Selling Ritual Scrolls

    I've got some thoughts on the subject, Beryl. We'll chat! - Sarvey
  11. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Looking for ritual casting

    I won't lie, that's a lot of extra words for sayin' "Do you need a Celestial caster?", Binar! ~ Silp
  12. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Erabella task and problems

    Let's get things done! ~ Silp
  13. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Need help developing a PC Villain Idea- Cult Leader?

    It is extremely rare that a player making chaos for others makes the game better as a whole, especially when they don't know the ins and outs of the game they're interacting with. My opinion, don't do it. Especially if it's your first foray into the game. Get into things first and collaborate...
  14. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Many Evodia Ritual Scrolls and More for Sale

    A lot of the "big ticket" items have sold, but there is still a lot available on the list. Let me know if you are interested in purchasing anything, and I can have it make its way to you at the upcoming gathering in Erabella. ~ Gandian
  15. Gandian Ravenscroft

    May Event Favorites

    A few favorites of mine, in no particular order: - Finally getting the whole Dusk Mother set up! It was fun seeing it all come together after being a bunch of separate parts in my house for a month, and I'm glad PCs enjoyed it. - Roff's epic Spirit Walk to save Gerty! Simply incredible. -...
  16. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Spider Island Assault: A Manifesto

    Really? "They're actually good guys, I swear! ...but I also think they're unparlayable, and will likely enslave people, disintegrate people, permanently curse people, and rain down chaos if left around!" Suuuuuure sound like good guys worth keepin' around to me! I wanna make somethin' clear...
  17. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Spider Island Assault: A Manifesto

    Spider Island isn't misunderstood, sweet potential allies with a secret heart of gold! I don't even know where anyone got the idea there are "spirited spiders" or whatever on the island - they're just giant spiders, plain and simple! The Driders are just SMARTER versions of giant bugs! They...
  18. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Spider Island Assault: A Manifesto

    Gooooooood luck! ~ Silp
  19. Gandian Ravenscroft

    Spider Island Assault: A Manifesto

    Uh, Driders and Spiders are NOT people! Seriously, have you ever met them, or just goin' on your imagination thinkin' that anythin' that can talk is a force of good? They are murderin', evil monsters with no redeemin' features, and the adventurers are a hundred percent justified in removin' 'em...