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  1. Bigens73

    Auction of Items from May Gathering 9219

    8 gold on sorcerous triage Bruisey
  2. Bigens73

    Auction of Items from May Gathering 9219

    What does strengthend blow do I can’t seem to recall or find it anywhere. Bruisey
  3. Bigens73

    Auction of Items from May Gathering 9219

    7 gold item 6 2 gold on trap avoidance Bruisey
  4. Bigens73

    Hammock city

    Will these hammocks support a larger than average high orc?
  5. Bigens73

    Town Box

    Honorable Zihr, I have the Cures available they are not phys reped but I have the tags. I will seek you out next market day. Bruisey
  6. Bigens73

    Auction of Items from May Gathering 9219

    Wait wait I'm still at 1 gold thought you bid 1 Gandian so uped it sorry. Bruisey PS reading is still hard yes I'm at 2 gold on the summon extra planner and the sourcerous triage
  7. Bigens73

    Auction of Items from May Gathering 9219

    2 gold on sourcerous triage 2 gold on summon extra planner creature. 1 gold on Ritual of WOE
  8. Bigens73

    Lost in the Mist

    Fellow Adventurers, I seem to have gotten lost in the Mists on my way back from Wayside. I plan on makes in in to da next market day. I tink I figurd out where I made da rong turn. I is back on da right path now. Tryin to just figur out what all happend on this first market day so i can...
  9. Bigens73


    I'm going to have to back out on this weekend. Stuff came up.
  10. Bigens73

    Pictures at the Opener?

    Did anyone happen to get any pictures at opener?
  11. Bigens73

    Used Ringmesh for Sale

    I saw that after I
  12. Bigens73

    Used Ringmesh for Sale

    Will this fit someone who normally wears like 4xl shirts as I know they stretch some
  13. Bigens73

    Getting to know you

    My Name -Buisey Foemangler High Orc What do I do? - I like to smash things with my handy 2 handed blunt I named Smash stick Am I a dirty command user like Roff? - Nope. I may give you orders if Sara Fiona tells me to. Interesting, but not dangerous fact to know, about me -I was just made a...
  14. Bigens73

    April Opener 2019 Favorites!

    So many memories both in game and out where to start... I already made a separate post about how blown away I was with the hospitality shown but this transferred over to in game as well. I had put off coming to wayside because I heard there was a lot of PvP and as a less developed character...
  15. Bigens73

    Thank You ALL

    I just wanted to thank everyone I know the folks I traveled with and myself could not stop talking about how much fun we had even with the shorter event and the crummy weather Sat. Had a great time at afters and meeting everyone. Also a huge thank you to Sam Gemclipper and his above and beyond...
  16. Bigens73

    April 26th 2019 Menu

    Yum sounds like a great menu.
  17. Bigens73

    Potion Coating

    How many potions can be coated on one weapon?
  18. Bigens73

    A half empty cup.

    The Legendary Peter Dhugan, Hey it is Bruisey. I would like to have an ale with you...oh by the way I got turnt into a high orc by this bandit shaman I encountered since we last met. I will be at this next market day. Bruisey Foemangler
  19. Bigens73

    To Heroes Beyond the Mists (Plot hook for Season 2019)

    Roff, Hey it's Bruisey (the Barbarian that isn't Ragnarok) I have only adventured with you a few times but I am currently searching for Sara Fiona as I am her Squire in Ravensong here...While I do not agree with them here I hold this position in lots of respect... as I have a great respect for...
  20. Bigens73

    unwarded cabin at Gamehaven

    I'm good with whatever we decide for splitsys