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  1. Grianadhmad

    Character Build Spreadsheet

    Version 1.0 (09/25/17) Version 1.0.1 (09/28/17) corrected an issue with yellow rows displaying excessively and red rows not displaying at all Version 1.1 (10/16/17) Added skill "Acquisition" column to clarify that just because you have the points and prerequirites for a skill, doesn't mean...
  2. Grianadhmad

    Tentmate Inquiry

    Wonderful, thank you all! Once we get to the event I'll make arrangements with whomever I'm going to put out the least (most likely Kierra so that Rob doesn't have to set up the extra tent just for one night).
  3. Grianadhmad

    Tentmate Inquiry

    Question which is not an imperative thing. Since this weekend I'm only staying overnight Friday, not Saturday, I'm thinking I'm just going to sleep in my car... unless anyone has space in their tent for an extra body? :) I'm not particularly worried either way but I figured it can't hurt to ask.
  4. Grianadhmad

    Void and Time

    I have no idea what this entails or who the entities are that you are speaking of, but I am of course very willing to assist my friends if you think I will be of any aid.
  5. Grianadhmad

    October 13th-15th Pre-Reg Open

    It's a tent site. There is a portapotty on-site but you'll need to bring your own sleeping accomodations, food, water, et cetera. Although we're doing Fall Festival as part of the season closer so a lot of people are bringing food to share throughout the weekend. And as a person who got near...
  6. Grianadhmad

    October 13th-15th Pre-Reg Open

    No, don't go there haha. I went there the first time and everybody looked at me crazy when I said "Larping." Go here and see if you can get directions off of that.
  7. Grianadhmad

    October 13th-15th Pre-Reg Open

    not a Traverse City staff member I went through this two months ago Just like a returning PC pre-registers! Go to and fill out the form there.
  8. Grianadhmad

    Your thoughts on LARP?

    I've probably known about LARPing for a long time, couldn't tell you exactly when. But I began LARPing in August of this year because I needed a creative escape and it was recommended as a good outlet for my HFA/AS. I've been doing random cosplay and acting and performing and even pranking in my...
  9. Grianadhmad


    The entirety of my dream last night was of some sort of twisted version of the upcoming October season closer event. Actually it kept happening over and over but each time I'd "wake up" at the start of the event and angrily ask a different character each time to stop "enchanting my brain." Also...
  10. Grianadhmad

    The Exiles in Ashwood

    Does anyone have an update on the status of the parts of the Heartwood that burned down? I would like to relay the latest tidings to the exiled Children of Autumn currently residing in the Ashwood. If the land still lies scarred and burnt, it may be that there is some way we could speed along...
  11. Grianadhmad

    September event Feedback

    I was only with you folks for a good 10 hours or so, but it was still just as delightful as my first event last month. ^_^ Other than the hacking up a lung that resulted right before I left for other lands. x_X Loved reuniting with "old" friends and also meeting new adventurers and new NPCs...
  12. Grianadhmad

    Character Build Spreadsheet

    I mentioned this spreadsheet that I'd been working on to a few adventurers and NPCs during market day, and they expressed enough interest that I feel comfortable sharing this with everyone. I have the spreadsheet in a view only format on Google Sheets. It automatically calculates skill...
  13. Grianadhmad

    Plight of the Mystic Wood Elves

    I think that Squire Saro did indeed report that the Heartwood was burning, which accounted for my wilted state over the latter half of last month's market day. It was a terrible terrible day for the First Forest. And the land in general, to be honest.
  14. Grianadhmad

    The one who wears yellow and black

    Didn't Bacon actually start attacking when the Queen of Nu'adah identified him as a necromancer? Gideon and Lady Ahlana were completely in their rights to retaliate in defence of our community, and as Gideon already said, it was by a royal decree that the execution was carried out. Earth's bounty.
  15. Grianadhmad

    Timekeeping System

    Beverly, could you (or anyone really) give me more information about the peace treaty, and/or point me to a thread that would explain it? In the meantime I'll start compiling the code to change my journal's year from 617 ᴇʀ to 1017 (and determine the appropriate label for that). Thank you all!
  16. Grianadhmad

    Celebrating The Birth

    Lady Ahlana, Different groves have different rules for contests of the Birth. Since to my knowledge I am the only Child of Autumn settled in Ardik, I am open to suggestion as to what would be easiest - bringing a concoction pre-made for judging, or making it on-site against other participants...
  17. Grianadhmad

    Celebrating The Birth

    It is a pleasure to meet you, Velnaeus. I certainly hope to acquaint ourselves with each other further during the Birth! The Wizards' Match is actually a relatively simple contest to explain. It is a tribute to the innate resistance to binding that my people possess. Only binding magic may be...
  18. Grianadhmad

    Celebrating The Birth

    The next market day falls on The Birth, the most important of earth festivals to the Children of Autumn (as you might have guessed from the name). We celebrate the season in which Fortannis first brought the Children forth from Great Forest. I hope to return to Ardik to celebrate the day of The...
  19. Grianadhmad

    Tavern Tent

    No particular link as I have just been browsing around and happened to see some for only $60 or $80, which I'd have no problem donating. Most models that I see compact and store easily and weigh only 50 pounds.
  20. Grianadhmad

    Tavern Tent

    Would the chapter be interested in having a pop-up tent to serve as a tavern setup wherever we meet for market days?