I still think people are delusional if you think, making a video game about killing this guy, celebrating his death, making jokes about his death, or dancing in our front yard burning OBL dolls would influence the over all well being, world view on this country. People are going to think what they want, make a martyr of him if they want, and blow up a train station if they want.... Nothing we do or don't do will hold any weight what so ever.
To see the constant bickering and division of political parties. People Rallying over this or protesting over that, seeing how someone's always offended...
You got people protesting the death Penalty sentence of a Guy here in Ct, that broke into a house, sexually assaulted a minor, and then burned the house down, along with the children (tied up to beds). Yet people still protest this guy getting the Death penalty... If that happened in different part of the World the guy would of been dragged into the streets and stoned to death, and no one would of protested.
Then we have bail out, corporate jokes, in a country like China if a Bank rips people off and blows/loses 100million do to poor strategy, they would probably execute the CEO's, Seize their property and assets, and sell their children into slavery. In This country, we just give the bank another 100million...
After the news of OBL's death, before this country got to take it in, or before details of the raid or 9/11 tributes were made. The media ran out to produce stories like "Pakistan offended after what the USA did", or "Native Americans upset, the codeword referring to OBL during the raid was 'Geronimo'...
These are only a few examples, but seriously, how forgivable and divided this country is right now, How you have to watch every little thing that is said, to make sure it doesn't offend anyone or anyone's rights, make sure its politically accurate... And now even this debate on whether or not we are allowed/or should celebrate OBL's death... are you serious?
Cpt. said it right, OBL was the first person to launch a major attack on the USA since Pearl Harbor. However Back then we dropped bombs and then apologized afterwards. It sent a message, to everyone.... Now a days some of the actions or message sent only encourage people to attack us, and not out of Hate, but do to weakness. (Think im kidding, read a headline in an Afghanistan or Iraq paper/bulletin, they refer to USA being weak all the time, whether its false is irrelevant, they then turn on USA TV or pick up a USA paper and simply watch a story I mentioned above or 1 like it unfold...)
This is America, F-Bin Laden, glad he's. Could careless if Al Qaida, Muslims, Taliban or Jackie Chan views him as a Hero, Martyr or Saint... I'd piss on his corpse if i had the chance.