This is the post that never ends (Again)

i know malone very well..spent alot of time there...i like it but there are no jobs ..despite the low cost of living
Wow... you weren't kidding when you said way upstate.

Malone is like 5 hours north and east of us...
yup..thats upstate....not everything north of long island is upstate HHEHEHHEHEHEH
okay so i'm getting ready to spend my gobbies...whats a wizard lock? i'm at work and don't have my rule book with me
okay marcena you're my rabbi today...i have 100 gobbies to spend on production points and i want to buy alchemy with it....i want throwing many production points does 100 gobbies get me?
oh its an even trade??? ehehehheheh i didn't know bad
why not?????????? why would you never gobby for production????
NO WAY i need a guild like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!....i hate paying money for it...i'd rather gobby any day otherwise i have 3000 gobbies just sitting there.
okay so whats the use of getting more than 9 levels...the highest thing to make is 45 points and thats 9 levels...what does 15 do for you??? i'm so glad i have you to ask this stuff of...i have no clue what i'm doing sometimes...
It has really awesome IG stuff for you to do. In our chapter, certain levels of expertise allow you to make certain LCO elixers or gasses. Especially when accompanied by well-written IBGAs saying why you want to try to make what. And when accompanied with a lab, you can make double your production and so lots of stuff. I have a lab in every chapter I've visited. Pays for itself in no time. :)
okay so this time i have level 9 coming to me...then next time i'll buy two more levels and get up to 11...i'll just keep buying alchemy then from now on!! i diden't realize there was cooler stuff after level 9
If your chapter allows it, that is. Mine lets Marcena make something called "smelling salts" which basically work as an awaken, but you need special ingredients that you run mods in order to attain. The one for smelling salts is Neanderthal pee.

Buy a lab before you buy too much more alchemy. A lab doubles your production and are ten gold a piece.
yup already have a lab...but its in finn keep bastion my home chapter...but the next two events are in chiram's hollow and caldaria :(