This is the post that never ends (Again)

Thats what you get for eating prision items. A digestive system on Lockdown!... (sorry, I just had to)
not sure that anything is "locked" if you know what i mean hahahahahahh sorry TMI ...I know....
It was the allusion to your colon now being a "Prision" which subsiquently would be on "Lockdown". I would assume that if you were to actually eat MI that they would do horrible things to your bowels and would make you almost afraid to go to the bathroom.
Depends on the magic item.

I'm going to try to rep all mine with bacon.
Better keep Shaya away then...although if you put scrolls and reagenst in her cleavage and MI's come out....I wonder what happens when she eats bacon reped MIs??
i had 5 scrolls to make a MI...and i traded food for a year with the ritual person to cast them
Kayden said:
Better keep Shaya away then...although if you put scrolls and reagenst in her cleavage and MI's come out....I wonder what happens when she eats bacon reped MIs??

LOL! We have that with a MWE in Chicago! Her cleavage is a planar gate. :)
You don't have to bump it.

It is.
Sometimes it just likes to lie quietly and listen.
*sniff* Not only do I not own a bodice...but it wouldn't matter if I did. I might be able to hide a grape. Maybe a piece of paper if you fold it up real tiny. :cry:
sometimes things hide down there that i really am not a shelf!! whenever i eat and i ALWAYS goes RIGHT THERE....there have been times when i went home after a dinner party and taken my bazier off and ther was a PEA there!! dont even wanna know.....

but when i used to go out clubbing i had my money, cigs (yes i used to smoke BLAH), lighter, ID all down there....its wonderful for hands free dancing
its not that great anymore...except for holding hair the fair i kept a kleenex and my money there...but it usually gets food on it when i eat...i'm unsure why i can't keep food on the utensil...PLUS it hurts your back when doing the dishes...they're constantly being pulled to the center of the earth's gravity...


how bout them red sox!?
The ones in the woods or the ones in Detroit?
did you hear in texas this zoo keeper was evacuating a lion, had him on a truck. the road got washed away so they had to detour..they made it to a church...the congregation had all gathered there to offer safety for people and food and a generator, they locked the sanctuary doors and let the lion stay in the sanctuary to weather the cute....epic church story
They shoudl have put the lion in a pit and thrown everyone in to feed him.