This is the post that never ends (Again)

nah..prolly some wicked hot goth chick...who digs the fact that he's made outta dead people....and has boltz..and big boots hahahahahah

Subject CHANGE!

This huntress has been forced into the jungle of the greater grand rapids area to hunt the elusive employment. Normally a savannah/plains hunter, the prospective employee is nervous. But these are desparate times...*cue national geographic music*
"Let's no watch as the wild beast stalks her prey. Will she seek out the more docile and slovenly Mcjobs or put her life and skills to the test by seeking out the high-sprinting internships or even, if she's especially luck at this time of year, a rare opportunity-heavy desk job."
go for the internship....get your foot in the door...the only door you get your foot in at mcd's is a manager position at mcd's....start out as an administrative assistant then you can work in whatever field you want...EVERYONE needs office help...then you can learn all sorts of trades...thats what i did anyway...worked for lawyers, newspapers, microfilm place, OSHA, Dept of Trans, State Treasurer's office, Materials and Research Labs, Italian families, etc...its been a wild ride i am always wondering where i will go from here...i've been able to see so many different types of things all from working in the office.
we're not a mafia! we're just an italian family owned waste management company...::looks around cautiously::: heheheheheheh just kidding...its a great company to work for...great does stink that his kids get all the best paying jobs at the top but...if it was my company i'd do the same thing.
now that is interesting...i love vacuuming heheheh i bet shampooing is more fun due to the cool machinery!
I just changed my board style to black pearl...WOW its so pretty!!! i didn't know i could change how these boards looked!!! so fun!
there's something so cool about cleaning up a mess with a machine...there's a stain on the run your little machine over it and the hot water and foam sucks up the icky stuff..and then its all sparkly friggin coooool
I don't think I wanna do that anymore. The pay is great but there's crap for hours. I'd never be able to LARP or go to school. :(
yeah my husbands new job interferes with stinks..:(
I doesn' was just... a little comatose is all. *shifty eyes*

I am off to school on the 20th! w00t!

How's everyone else doing?
School is as follows

MATH 101

(///_- ) EMO! ( > ^_^ > Kirby!

Now someone else do something.

Let's do this!

Who's a cashew?