Worthless Bits of Information We Like to Share

Ivory bar soap floating was a mistake. They had been overmixing the soap formula causing excess air bubbles that made it float. Customers wrote and told how much they loved that it floated, and it has floated ever since.
Let's see...

Foxes can actually climb trees to avoid a predator.

After Kingdom Hearts II only seven of the Organization XIII members are left.
(I have plans to make a future character based on Organization XIII.
Stay Tuned.)

It is impossible to sneeze and still have your eyes open.

Coca-cola can be used in place of many household cleaners such as cleaning rust, general toilet cleaning, etc.

A man once attempted suicide by jumping off the Empire State building. The wind was so powerful that in blew him into an open window just a few stories below. True story.

In London a subway is an underground pedestrian walkway while the tube is the subway.

Also in England...

Lift= Elevator
Way out= Exit
Post= mail
Football= soccer
chips= fries

Marcena said:
Alaska by itself has as much coastline as the rest of the U.S.

Alaska is also the most EASTERN state in the US.
Also in England...

flat = apartment
*** = cigarette
fanny = *ahem* "girly parts" (not buttocks as in US. Same is true for Australia. What we call a "fanny pack" is known as a "bum bag")
alaska also makes it possible for the US to be only a 10 minute ride to Russia!

people born in alaska before it became a state are called "sourdoughs"
YAY DAD! I wonder if that makes them naturalized or true american citizens...hmmm...
Telokh_Amdo said:
Marcena said:
Alaska by itself has as much coastline as the rest of the U.S.

Alaska is also the most EASTERN state in the US.

Oh yeah...aleutian islands and all that. Good stuff.

Parts of the Dead Sea Scrolls appeared for sale in the June 1, 1954 issue of the Wall Street Journal.
good gravy!! this is why i don't work in a museum...too much temptation to bring bits into a "private collection"
like in indiana jones that one guy that was always trying to steal stuff for his "private collection" i always thought...JEEPERS INDY JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE!! it doesn't HAVE to go in a museum....

Dead Sea Scrolls: they were sold for $250,000 but most of that went to government taxes :D
Found in cave 3 of the dead sea scroll caves....

One of the most curious scrolls is the Copper Scroll. Discovered in Cave 3, this scroll records a list of 67 underground hiding places throughout the land of Israel. According to the scroll, the deposits contain certain amounts of gold, silver, aromatics, and manuscripts. These are believed to be treasures from the Temple at Jerusalem that were hidden away for safekeeping. The Copper Scroll is currently being translated and the first two sections reveal the location of gold ingots and silver in the form of Shekels (a coin used in Israel in ancient times). According to Biblical Currency is equal to .364 oz. (troy). In a value of silver, it is equal to $7.28. As for gold, it is equal to $364

now why isn't this a movie yet?????
Bugs Bunny is NAKED!! :shock:

Also, in 1899, President McKinley was assured by the director of the US Patent Office that "everything that can be invented has already been invented."
Cartoonist Robert Crumb claims to have been sexually attracted to Bugs Bunny as a teen.

Railroad Sland with an Iron Range (Minnesota) twist:

112 -- A long teletype sheet giving the lineup of all of the ore cars coming down from the Iron Range into an "ore town."

Crumby -- Slang term for a caboose.

Dispo Clerk -- The person in charge of the 112s.

Empties -- Empty ore cars sent back up the hill after they have dumped the ore.

Hatch List -- A lsit of numbers telling which kind of ore is in the ore pockets of the docks.

Hatches -- Pockets in the long low ore boats that are filled with the iron ore from the pockets in the ore docks.

Tying Up -- Time to go home.
Marcena said:
Bugs Bunny is NAKED!! :shock:

Also, in 1899, President McKinley was assured by the director of the US Patent Office that "everything that can be invented has already been invented."

Actually, that's not true. It's been attributed to someone in the United Kingdom true, but there is no evidence anyone ever said that.

i could have this wrong...fearless leader will know he's geeky enough...but i believe.....

a googleplex is infinity plus 1
Actually, a googol is a 1 followed by 100 zeros.

A googolplex is a 1 followed by a googol of zeros.
well there we go...geeks abound :D
the transporter special effect from the original series was created by glitter being stirred in a glass of water :D

the landing bars of the shuttle craft were actually handles of a disposable razor :D

i love imaginitive people!!!!!