Worthless Bits of Information We Like to Share

why would playing the flute be funny? you lost me again fearless leader...:(
Tzydl, (only because I sadly don't know your real name)

I believe he was refering to the American Pie movie, with Alyson Hannigan.

oooh...yeah ...didn't see those...the previews were more than enough for me heheheheheh i've heard there is a story of "band camp" and a girl from buffy that plays the flute though...okay! gotcha....band camp...okay....flutes yup!
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
i could have this wrong...fearless leader will know he's geeky enough...but i believe.....

a googleplex is infinity plus 1

Infinity is a concept, not a numerical value.
From the movie Mafia:

Remember the old Sicilian proverb...

"Man is like a piece of cheese"


hippopottomonstrophobia is a real phobia, literally fear of long words.

"A penny saved is not much" - words from a first grader.

Eagles soar high, but weasels are not sucked into jet engines.

The most important tool you need in the universe is a towel.

"If humans are animald and we eat animals, why don't we eat humans?" - actual bumper sticker found by one of my friends

"If we mixed religion with politics, we would be burning people at the stake again"
Found this bumper sticker myself.

"Do not try to bend the spoon. That is impossible. Rather realize that there is no spoon."
The Matrix

"But why is all the rum gone?" Pirates of the Carribbean.

Stephen King actually threw out his first novel, Carrie, thinking it would never sell. It was saved by his wife and became the book that launched his career.

and lastly...

The cake is a lie (ego cookie for the first person to guess where this quote came from)

(Hint: from a video game)

Jim- (A question, answer, and exclamation rolled into one)
kitsune85 said:
hippopottomonstrophobia is a real phobia, literally fear of long words.
It's actually hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.
and I love the game Portals, GLaDYS is sooo creepy. "There will be cake"
When did this become a quotable quote? I thought this was "useless information"...

(A rat can last longer without water than a camel.)

European women used to use lead and leeches to look paler (bleeding your face to pallid, stone elves, want to try? ;) ) Arsenic was used in lip and eye makeups because it made them look more metallic.

I think I'll stick with my normal regiment of nothing...
fingernails and hair continue to grow a while after you die....

graverobbing is NOT a "dead" hobby (no pun intended) a grave was robbed just a few years ago in my home town
Mickey Mouse actually fights off a mouse named Mortimer for Minnie's affections in one of the old disney cartoons.

Dippy Dog is Goofy's original name.
since we're on a disney kick

donald duck's middle name is Fauntleroy
Interesting fact to ponder, from Charles Shulz:

"Don't worry about the world ending tomorrow. It's already tomorrow in Australia."