Mike Ventrella
Sarah Palin's talent at the beauty pagent she entered was playing the flute.
Please, no jokes.
Please, no jokes.
Tzydl Zhitelava said:i could have this wrong...fearless leader will know he's geeky enough...but i believe.....
a googleplex is infinity plus 1
kitsune85 said:The most important tool you need in the universe is a towel.
Jim- (A question, answer, and exclamation rolled into one)
It's actually hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.kitsune85 said:hippopottomonstrophobia is a real phobia, literally fear of long words.
kitsune85 said:The cake is a lie (ego cookie for the first person to guess where this quote came from)
(Hint: from a video game)
Jim- (A question, answer, and exclamation rolled into one)
zehnyu said:When did this become a quotable quote? I thought this was "useless information"...
(A rat can last longer without water than a camel.)