From a bit of research I've been doing, here are some intersting cost of livng figures and the like from the Town Wardens accounts for the city of Melton Wowbray (UK), c. 1536-7:
"Paid for ij gallons of ale for them that blew the bellows at that time: 3d
For fish 2/5, bread and ale 3/8: 6s 1d
Pd. to Wm. Knowles for a quart of wyne as was drunk in ye Church: 12d
Pd. for wyne and cake given to the Vicar of Melton: 12d
Pd. for wyne when the Town Warden was chosen: 1 pound even"
It has also been revealed that the above mentioned Vicar, the Rev. Mr. Staresmore, possessed the following effects after his most tragic death (a story for another time, perhaps):
30 gowns and cassocks
50 dogs
100 pairs of boots
10 wigs
80 wagons and carts
80 ploughs
50 saddles
75 ladders
240 razors
30 wheelbarrows
60 horses and mares
200 picks
200 spades and shovels
He also had an annual income of 1,000 pounds and "1,000 in money."