Worthless Bits of Information We Like to Share

kitsune85 said:
When asked if he wanted to be buried in the floor iof Westminster Abbey, Winston Chruchill replied, "I don't want people walking all over me for all eternity." He is burried in the countryside.

Winston Churchill also said that he found nothing wrong with "using poisonous gas on uncivilized nations."
kitsune85 said:
Jonathan Swift wrote a book called "A Modest Proposal" where he came up to a solution to a food shortage which was to eat babies.

In all fairness, this was meant as a satire.

Benjamin Franklin did, however, write an article listing the top reasons to make love to an older woman, in which the #1 reason was "They are so grateful!"
One of the strangest guests to appear on the Muppet Show was Alice Cooper. Throughout the show he pretended to be in the employ of Lucifer and was trying to convince various muppets to sell their souls to the devil. He sang a song about laying in bed and making love to Miss Piggy who was dressed in a disguise. And now, I've seen everything. Was an awesome show!
((yeah muppets season 3 arrived and my hubby and i have been watching it...when that song started to play we looked at each other and i thought i was gonna blush!!! i mean...miss piggy with alice cooper??? it was just wrong..))

oh another muppet tidbit....miss piggy sings a song where she's preggo and kermit has left her at the altar! ha! are we sure this is a children's show??
$1 trillion, if stacked perfectly, would cover an american football field approximately 8.3 inches deep with $100 bills.

Currently circulated US currency is only available in $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 bills. Larger denominations, $500, $1000, $5000, $10,000, and $100,000 bills, stopped production in 1934 and were removed from circulation in 1969 to help combat organized crime.

$100,000 bills were gold certificates used only in bank transactions. The largest paper bill circulated was the $10,000 bill.
they're rare but yes...i see about 2 of them per day but i work with alot of cash accounts...

i forget how old you are marcena...jeepers...they were way more popular when i was kneehigh to a grasshopper.
Alright, this one is related to my skate gliding one as it has to do with freezing.
If you put a soft drink in the freezer and take it out just before it freezes, it will still be liquid in the bottle or can. However, if you open said bottle or can and thereby relieve the pressure, it will freeze immediately - a very cool sight! This has to do with the fact that ice turns back to water under pressure. Be careful though, your bottle will likely overflow as the ice expands.

Oh and water is the only substance that expands when it freezes instead of contracts - if it didn't, the ice would sink, and there would be no spring thaw in ponds and lakes (and the ocean too). All the ice would sink to the bottom and build up from the bottom up leaving vast portions of the globe icy wastelands. This would likely make earth uninhabitable.

Water is amazing!

i always wondered why iced floated! and why if you freeze drinks they expand! huh....water is amazing...
Oh my gawsh water! :D

But anyway....

During the American Revolution, in order to enlist in the militia, you must be at least 15 and have at least four teeth in your head.
photographic images of a topless woman can be seen in the movie The Rescuers

charlie chaplin once lost a charlie chaplin look alike contest! (heheheh)

sylvester stallone and antonio banderas both starred in porn movies. antonio's was gay porn.
i know i just bought it and cant wait to go home and see if snopes is true!
Tzydl Zhitelava said:
i know i just bought it and cant wait to go home and see if snopes is true!

Disney put out a recall for all copies many years back and now newly manufactured versions of the movie does not contain those images.

This is one of the few Disney "rumors" that turned out to be true. :D Another is the tower on the original artwork for the Little Mermaid was drawn in the likeness of a penis.

http://movies.lovetoknow.com/wiki/Hidde ... ney_Movies
Neither the phallic tower nor the word "sex" were intentional. The tower sort of was because, well, that's what some towers look like.

Those two rumors are like the one about a scene in WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT where you can briefly see up Jessica Rabbit's dress and it apperars that she isn't wearing underwear. The truth is that the animators were cutting a few corners that day and they simply didn't draw anything there at all. It's just a dark blank area.