Search results

  1. Eldor

    [.11] Potency - Way better for Celestial ?

    According to the description for the ritual effect of "Potency" "A character may benefit from the Potency ritual of each specific Element (as listed on the scroll) no more than once per Logistics period" My impression as to what this means, is that Earth casters could only ever benefit from...
  2. Eldor

    Looking to Purchase Many Scrolls

    I am looking to acquire several formal scrolls and Catalysts, if you have any of the listed scrolls or Catalysts that you are willing to sell, let me know publicly or privately so we can start negotiating a price. SCROLLS Arcane Armor Audible Projection Bane Bountiful Harvest Cloak Controlled...
  3. Eldor

    Adventures to the front

    Our continued defense of Barstow has shown that we have the strength to defeat the Hargrothian forces, yet they continue to plague the lands of Stradyn because they hold lands at the front. While Lord Knight Henry Longshadow commands his soldiers there with great skill, he lacks the numbers...
  4. Eldor

    Stradyn needs you.

    Having recently fought on the front lines, has reinforced how critical that fight is to the defense of Stradyn. I request that all adventures who are not currently involved in the defense of Barstow or its citizenry, head towards the front lines to offer your support. All skill sets will be of...
  5. Eldor

    Clarification on Reverse Life force Ritual

    The last two lines in the description of the Reverse Life force ritual states. "The amount of curing is equivalent to the amount that it is normally healed; therefore if a creature normally was harmed double by healing and healed by necromancy, it would now be healed double by Curing and harmed...
  6. Eldor

    Racial Transformation

    "Any racial skills of the target’s current race are lost but skills specific to the new race may be gained in their place depending on the inner strength of the spirit. In addition the target loses any skills that are more difficult to learn. The transforming player may relearn any skills lost...
  7. Eldor

    Mark on the Spirit

    Is a Mark ritual cast upon the Spirit visible, or detectable by any means other than by Identification in a Celestial Circle or a Lore Ritual. The ritual states; "If the Mark is on a spirit it will always be on that body part containing the spirit if parts of the body are separated." That...
  8. Eldor

    Curse of Undeath and Transfer Enchantment

    The Curse of Undeath ritual states: "This ritual may not be transferred by any means and is unaffected by the transfer enchantment ritual." Yet it also states: "A Transfer Enchantment may be used to transfer the bottle to another item with another function such as a weapon." Considering that...
  9. Eldor

    Transform to Greater Undead (Becoming an NPC)

    What is the purpose of a Transform to Greater Undead ritual forcing a PC to become a Plot controlled NPC for the duration of the ritual? Does becoming Plot controlled, mean I even get a say as to what my character does, do I have to check in with Plot before each event to see what my characters...
  10. Eldor

    Destroy Undead

    Destroy undead is a 7th level spell. This spell will destroy any one lesser undead creature. Greater undead will take 50 Body Points of damage. Under the current write up for 0.9, I could cast that or cast a 7th level cure spell that would deal 70 damage to an undead. I would hope that would...
  11. Eldor

    Why no Earth/Necromancy Specialist?

    Why is Earth and Necromancy not included in the specialist effect groups? Evocation I understand, there is the Elementalist, but the Healer is not comparable. Why is it assumed that all earth casters want to be light combat town healers, some of us would love to be undead exploding monsters, and...
  12. Eldor

    Formal Magic Clarifications

    I have discovered many discrepancies with the rituals listed on the forums and some changes that need to be made. I do not know if these are typos in the formal information posted, or are actual errors in the official write ups for each formal ritual. Blissful Rest Change Gypsy to Selunari...
  13. Eldor

    A call to all who would aid the Ceriopolis Militia

    To all capable adventurers of the Ceriopolis Like many of you, I will be departing to the new lands of Strayden to aid them as we have aided the lands of Calliphestus. Before each of us depart, I would make a request that any of you who can teach offer some time and instruction towards the...
  14. Eldor

    Seeking Gift of Life or Eternal Forest Rituals

    I am seeking to acquire the Gift of life Ritual - No Catalyst required, or an Eternal Forest Ritual - Catalyst Required . Either only needs to be able to be cast in Calliphestus. Please contact me if you have one or both of these rituals and what you would desire as compensation for their...