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  1. Grianadhmad

    September 27-29th Pre=Reg Open

    Aaron, Did you get the assistance you needed to access the pre-registration? I see that Bev put your name up in the initial post so I'm hoping yes, but if not then reach out to me and I will assist you. - Taed
  2. Grianadhmad

    Springdale History & Advisers

    Tolib ⸴ I am honoured that you think so highly of my experience but i fear i can offer no knowledge of the waymaker stones or network · Banradi is ፡the፡ expert and would be your resource ⸴ if you were able to catch him between his duties and keep his attention · I first encountered springdale...
  3. Grianadhmad

    Reward for Recovering Dagger

    Thank you blue · My statement still stands ፥ if you get it for me ⸴ you will be rewarded · The offer applies to adventurers and kalinthian natives alike · ~ i.d.r.e
  4. Grianadhmad

    Reward for Recovering Dagger

    To anyone on the kalinthian isles that can safely assist ፤ I seek to recover a dagger of pewter obsidian alloy ⸴ engraved with kishaj in the shape of the apis constellation on both sides of its blade ⸴ which was lost approximately a month ago on the island of isla primos · It is not possessed...
  5. Grianadhmad

    Dragonfall Favorites

    Cyn's repping of "I absorbed too much magic", and her obvious frustration with most everyone's reactions. "YES I KNOW I'M GLOWING SHUT UP." Irani birthday party craziness and also Irani Dragonfall gifts craziness Mutt's intense appreciation of her squeaky toy The accidental opportunity to play...
  6. Grianadhmad

    Your Stories for a Song?

    To all my adventuring friends but especially those who lived the violent battles against bleak ⸴ As we all know dragonfall is approaching again ⸴ and with it opportunities for fellowship ⸴ creativity ⸴ competition ⸴ and performance ⸴ in order to honour the kingdom ⸴ the adventuring community ⸴...
  7. Grianadhmad

    Highlights from August 9 - 11

    It felt so good to be back with the SoMi family last weekend! even though I ended up having to cut my stay in Kalinthas short. (Note to self - strictly stick to taking a break from noon to 2pm in the future.) I'm already looking forward to the next two events and seeing you all again soon...
  8. Grianadhmad

    Future of the Chapter

    I had also previously informed the existing senior staff that I would pick up the duties of general manager if the other two positions were filled.
  9. Grianadhmad

    June 21-23 Feedback

    Thank you once again to everyone, veteran and new alike, who came out to the Traverse City June event! Please take a few minutes to provide us with feedback. We would like to hear some of your favourite moments and things you went very well, but also let us know if there were things you don't...
  10. Grianadhmad

    Our Upcoming Market Day

    Because that happened once. ~ i.d.r.e. :P P.s. i regret i also will be unable to assist in this venture, as i certainly owe the myconids a comeuppance. All my most fervent wishes for your great success in dealing with them, lord lukas.
  11. Grianadhmad

    Farmers seeking aid

    Hullo adventurers, My sister and I have met some of you in market days past. We have been offered tillable land in New Eloria and/or in Roefield, on which to move our farming operations. With us is coming a load of our mother's enchanted soil. Or would be, except every time we've tried to leave...
  12. Grianadhmad

    Earth Guild this Gather

    Aunt cyn ⸴ I will not be taking a guard shift at the healing house this upcoming market day weekend or for several weekends thereafter ⸴ as i have appointments in onothera and throughout northborough in county dwarfholme · If our schedules allow us to cross paths in the middle of the week i am...
  13. Grianadhmad

    Now Open for Trade with Adventurers

    Eragon @Aidon byers - Sorry to have missed you at this last gathering. However I still have your merchandise, and your bill has been paid by your companion MMMM, so hopefully our paths will cross next Market Day and I can deliver your alchemical lights to you at that time. - Master Jorkahaath
  14. Grianadhmad

    Come one, come all! Master Jorkahaath's finest crafted poisons available! I will be in Ardic...

    Come one, come all! Master Jorkahaath's finest crafted poisons available! I will be in Ardic this Saturday so don't miss out!
  15. Grianadhmad

    Now Open for Trade with Adventurers

    Eragon, For you and your three companions, I am pleased to gift you with an additional discount until next winter falls. 10 alchemical lights is a simple request and will cost you only 8 silvers. Bring your payment with you on Market Day. - Master Jorkahaath
  16. Grianadhmad

    Now Open for Trade with Adventurers

    Duchess, I would be extremely remiss and in violatation of too many laws, and more regrettably be unable to trade, if I did not have the proper Writs from Quub'rakaal and Eloria alike. But it's a shrewd and wise businesswoman who makes certain of these things before engaging in a transaction...
  17. Grianadhmad

    Now Open for Trade with Adventurers

    *the following flier appears posted outside of the tavern* Ladies and Gentleadventurers! I am now open to your business! Thanks to the brave and definitive actions of four of your number, I am now free to travel between Eloria, Nu'Adah, and your little community. Finer-crafted poisons you will...
  18. Grianadhmad

    April 12-14 Event Feedback

    This is one hundred and thirteen percent my fault, as I am assuming the mod in question was the fungus one? I was asked to fill in a mod since the primary plotrunners were busy and I wasn't sure on all the details aside from you bringing a new player (thank you for that btw), much less how...
  19. Grianadhmad

    Preregistration for April 26-28

    To whom it may concern, Please update the top of the post with the March event date and location, to match the April event date and location? Because I am easily confused :D Thank you! Edit: Thanks again ^_^
  20. Grianadhmad

    Ok, I am just gonna clarify a ton of stuff about the Elemental War real quick

    I know i am not alone in stating that both sides are stubborn ⸴ ignorant ⸴ and almost will-fully stupid · But i begrudgingly agree with my cousin taios that it is clear the planar knights are more concerned with the well-being of the future ⸴ and as such i will give what support i can to their...